1716 Brightseat Rd * Apt 104 * Landover MD * 20785
November 7, 1979Dear Dr. Velikovsky,
This is for your information and to provide a record of the conversation Chris Marx and I had Tuesday September 4th in the coffee shop of the Capitol Hilton when Chris was returning to Switzerland from San Francisco.
Our entire conversation, except for a some small talk and remarks about W.I..Z. Products (the Tee-Shirt venture), concerned Marxs crusade to enlighten the German people about the Holocaust being another manifestation of collective amnesia. He claimed, and gave some examples, that official statements by the early Nazi regime and from the Vatican at the same time were couched in the Venus symbolism expounded in Worlds in Collision. He told me that Zvi Rix had many manuscripts documenting and elucidating this interpretation of German-Jewish history. When I asked him what you thought about his ideas, he replied that he did not care what you thought, that this insight was too important to be subjected to any possible censorship by you should you not approve and that the ideas you liberated in 1950 have ramifications that have outgrown the need for your personal stewardship.
Marx is a zealot who will stop at nothing to further this idée fixe of his. He said in no uncertain terms that his primary interest in your work is its applicability for explaining the Holocaust. I hope this recounting helps your deciding on a firm course of action to take regarding Marxs activities.
Respectfully yours
Leroy Ellenberger