January 8, 1948
Dear Dr. Federn:
Have my best wishes to the arrival of your brother in America. It is the final act of a resurrection.
I look forward to your reading the final version of the manuscript (after the English was corrected). Of course, it is a good place to work in the Avery Hall. But as up till now we made all our communications in writing, I think it will be good also in future to keep to this procedure: I shall ask you several questions on a sheet of paper, or a letter, and you, if possible, will write down your remarks, so that we would be able later on to return to them.
Here I place one question for the future:
Polyhistor by Caius Solinus, Ch. XI: Meminisse hoc loco par est, post primum diluvium Ogygi temporibus notatum, quum novem et amplius mensibus diem continua nox inumbrasset.Agnot (1847) translates: Rapellons ici quaprès le premier déluge, que lon rapporte au temps dOgyges, une nuit épaisse sétant répandue sur le globe pendant neuf jours consécutifs.
Brasseur (Sil existe. . .) refers to this passage as if it has nine months (not nine days). Which is right in your opinion?
Cordially yours,
Immanuel VelikovskyAfter I had your letter, I tried to reach you by phone, but you were not at home.