A Magician's Trick
Britain's Cadogan Pulls 2 Rabbits from his Hat
and his Claque Insists theyre Real
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following dispatch by Observer from
U. N. headquarters in Paris was mailed just prior to receipt in Paris
of the directive from President Truman to the American delegation, to
withdraw from support of the British effort of impose sanctions on Israel
and to push for a directly negotiated peace, using the partition plan
of November 29, 1947, as the basis for discussion. Whether Britain will
again, as she has so often in the past year, be able to assist the State
Department in reversing the Presidents policy, remains to be seen.
T. O. T.
United Nations, Paris, (By Mail). From the day when,
after the United Nations vote of November 29, 1947, Arab irregulars
from Syria and Iraq invaded Palestine and stormed Jewish settlements,
I have waited for the day when the British would succeed in branding Israel
as an offender against the peace.
From the day when the British barred the United Nations
Commission, charged with implementing partition, from entering Palestine,
I have waited for the day when the British would say that the resolution
of November 29, 1947, voted by more than a two-thirds majority of the
General Assembly, is no longer valid.
I have lived to see both these things happen. British cunning
and British delaying tactics have succeeded in the space of time required
by our planet to travel once around the sun, in so twisting the legal
situation that Sir Alexander Cadogan, pipe between his teeth, unblushingly
offered a resolution that would make the Israelis offenders against peace
and stated that the resolution of November 29, 1947 has long been invalid.
* * *
Cadogan had no top hat in front of him. But still he pulled
out two rabbits. He needed a full year for this trick, but he did it with
the air of a real magician. And, pipe between his teeth, he looked happily
at his accomplishment.
They are real rabbits, said the delegate from Syria.
They are real rabbits, echoed the delegate from China. We
in China know what rabbits look like.
Are they actually rabbits? asked the delegate from Canada.
They are, They are, chorused the gentleman of the Security
Council. Let us vote that they are real rabbits.
Let me think it over until tomorrow, begged the delegate from
No, no. Tomorrow the rabbits may disappear.
Why should the rabbits disappear by tomorrow? I asked myself.
Why such a rush in this honorable Council?
You see, a lady sitting next to me said, by tomorrow
the presidential train carrying Truman to Washington will be back at the
capital, and it is necessary to vote before the train gets back.
Are you sure? I asked the lady.
I am positive she said.
Then the Security Council voted that Cadogan had produced two real rabbits.
The learned Dr. Jessup of the United States concurred in this vote. He
did make some minor changes in the Chinese-British resolution, but it
is always useful to draw the attention of the audience away with some
small talk when a trick is being prepared. Dr. Jessup lost his voice exactly
when he had to say that the resolution of November 29, 1947 still stands,
since only a two-thirds majority can vote down a resolution that the same
body accepted by a two-thirds majority; and even then it is questionable
whether a court can reverse its own decision. Because Cadogan does not
like the resolution on partition, should it for that reason be annulled?
* * *
When Israel was invaded after Nov. 29, 1947, all the nations
were under the obligation to send an international force to Palestine
to enforce the decision of that date. It was not sent. At least a token
force should have been sent. It was not sent. At least arms should have
been sent to the Israelis. They were not sent. At least arms should have
been sold to the Israelis. Instead, an embargo was put into effect. At
least the United Nations Commission charged with implementing the partition
should have been admitted to Palestine. It was not admitted. At least
the Arab invaders should have been branded offenders against peace. They
were not so branded. At least arms should not have been sent to Arab countries.
They were sent. At least the Security Council should have acknowledged
in shame its default in action, and congratulated Israel for saving Jerusalem
and a large part of Palestine from these seven states which violated its
decision on partition. It did not do even this.
* * *
Two monstrous rabbits were produced by the British with
the assistance of the Chinese, worthy allies in political ethics. Some
say that an American, a five-star general, acted as midwife. No wonder
the rabbits look like dragons.