Partition: An Old Custom
When Syria Was Divided it Took Only a
Small French Force: What of Palestine?
Syria and Palestine are neighboring countries, both
on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean; Syria occupies the northern
half of that coast and Palestine the southern half. Since the partition
of Palestine is so much in the focus of attention, it is useful to
recall that the original Syria was also partitioned and that only
a short time ago.
From 1920 to 1944 Syria was a French mandate, just as
Palestine was a British mandate. The French divided Syria into Lebanon,
on the coast, and present-day Syria, but ruled over both parts under
one mandate.
On Nov. 26-27, 1941, the Free French declared their
intention to make Lebanon and Syria independent republics. Syria strongly
objected to the separation of Lebanon, but in vain.
An agreement signed Dec. 27, 1943, transferred, as of
Jan. 1, 1944, all powers hitherto exercised by France to the Syrian
and Lebanese Governments. Both republics elected parliaments, which
in turn elected presidents of their respective states. In 1945 both
countries became members of the United Nations.
* * *
The division of Syria into Syria and Lebanon follows
a religious line. Lebanon was made a separate republic under
the mandate because of its predominant Christian population
(Lebanon, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th. ed.). The population
of Syria is Mohammedan, whereas the population of Lebanon consists
mainly of Christian Arabs (Maronites and others) with a large Moslem
Before the division, the Christian Arabs were in the
minority. In 1946, the population of Lebanon was estimated at 1,160,000
on an area of about 3,600 square miles, and that of Syria at 3,006,000
on a much larger area. The territory of Lebanon is a strip along the
Mediterranean about 120 miles in length, varying in width from 30
to 35 miles. Its population comprises 600,000 Christians (Maronites,
Greek Orthodox Catholics, etc.) which is the dominant group, and Moslems
of various sects-Sunnites, Shiites, and Druges-numbering between 500,000
and 525,000 people.
The division of Syria into the Syrian and Lebanese republics
set a pattern very similar to that, recommended for Palestine. In
Palestine there are about 800,000 Jews, most of them concentrated
in the area designated for the Jewish State.
* * *
The Arab argument against the division of Palestine
into Arab and Jewish States is negated here by the fact of a similar
division of Syria. Because the Christians are the minority in Syria
they must not be dominated by a Moslem majority and consequently they
are given their own country. But when it comes to Palestine, the Arabs
of Lebanon, as well as of the Syrian Republic, argue that a majority
race or a majority religion must dominate a minority religion.
Democratic principle requires the subordination of the
minority in a nation to the majority in that nation, but not the subordination
of a smaller nation to a larger one. In partitioned Palestine, Arabs
are the majority in their part, and Jews the majority in theirs.
* * *
In accordance with the democratic principle of equal
rights of small and large nations, the members of the United Nations
each have one vote, regardless of the fact that one nation may be
ten or fifty times as numerous as another.
The Arab argument against the division of Palestine
falls before the democratic principle of equality of small and large
nations. It is utterly impotent in view of the prior division of Syria
along religious lines.
The remarkable fact is that the most vociferous opponents
of the division of Palestine in the United Nations is the Lebanese
delegate, matched only by the Moslem delegate of Pakistan, a state
which came into existence as the result of partition of India in 1947;
partition which was undertaken against the initial opposition of the
Brahmatic majority of India in order to give the Moslems of that country
an opportunity to fashion their own destiny.