False Issue: Communism
Foes Try to Drag Red Herring
Over the Trail of Justice and Logic
The Arab League offers cynically to join the Western
block on the condition that Jewish Palestine be sacrificed. Not long
ago he League threatened to go over to Russia if the Palestine problem
was not solved to its liking. The League bargains with the conscience
of the world and offers as the price, the impotent military strength
or Arabia, nil and nihil that it is.
In other words, if Jewish Palestine is delivered to
their mercy, then will they give in return? No, then they will agree
to accept American dollars through ERP! In time of war, anyway, they
will side with the winning party, as they did during World War II,
when they crossed the fence less than thirty days before the fall
of Berlin.
The U. S. S. R. is accused of trying to use the situation
in Palestine for its own ends. The truth is that Russia, being reluctant
to make war with atom-armed America, by her attitude in the Palestinian
question, tried to free America of the fear that she is plotting against
American interests in the Middle East. Had Russia opposed partition,
she might have won the friendship of the Arab states with their oil,
and voices charging that she did so as a political maneuver would
have been justified.
By going along with the United States on the program
of partition, Russia showed that she did not intend to use the Palestinian
problem to antagonize the United States.
Having voted for partition, Russia is accused of plotting
in the Middle East against America; having voted against partition
Russia would certainly have left herself open to the same accusation.
How should she have voted in order not to provoke suspicion?
* * *
Immediately before Mr. Austin, the American delegate
to the Security Council, announced the reversal of the American stand
on Palestine, the Lebanese delegate, Mr. Chamoun, in a speech, declared
that the plan adopted by the United Nations would lead to penetration
of Communism into the Middle East.
For a time a subversive propaganda campaign on the Goebbels
motif of Communists and Jews was going on behind the scenes.
In view of the acuteness of the present international situation, this
u n d e r c o v e r propaganda against Jewish Palestine, which came
into the open in Chamouns speech, requires an exposition.
* * *
The Arabs and their supporters try to exploit the international
situation by attempting to show that Palestinian Jewry is Communistic.
The history of the Zionist movement utterly refutes this. The fact
IT IS IN PALESTINE. Actually it is almost non-existent, for according
to the World Almanac, 1948, there is only one Communist against 800
non-Communists as compared with France or Italy where the ratio is
roughly one Communist against two non-Communists.
There is in Palestine a well-organized labor movement,
but it vigorously opposed the Third (Communist) International, at
least as strongly as did the Labor Party in England.
It is also a fact that for the 30 years since the Russian
revolution, Zionism has been outlawed in Russia, and Zionists were
and still are banished to Siberia. During the Arab disturbances of
1920, 1921, 1929, and 1936-38, the Soviets carried an anti-Zionist
propaganda. This could not make the Palestinian Jews the Soviets
But, again according to the World Almanac, Communism
is rather widespread in Syria and Lebanon and in many pleasant homes
there hang pictures of Stalin, sometimes next to those of Hitler and
the Mufti. For every Communist in Palestine there are tens of Communists
in Lebanon, and Syria, though with a tint of fascism. The ideology
of dictatorship has an appeal for an Arab, not for a Jew.
The work of spreading the lie that thousands of Communists
are infiltrating from the Balkan countries is carried on, not only
by the Arabs, but by the British propaganda as well. Actually all
these immigrants were selected by Zionist organizations in the lands
of their departure.
Thus, this propaganda is as clumsy as the report put
out by British official circles charging the Zionist organization
with kidnapping Jewish children from t h e i r parents, to counteract
world indignation at the sending of the refugees of the Ship Exodus
1947, who had already stepped on the soil of Palestine, to vacant
camps in Germany.
* * *
The Palestinian problem should rather be used to build
peace. Just as from one crystal new crystals grow; so the proper solution
of the Palestinian problem, based on an agreement between the major
powers, would lead to the proper solution of other problems in dispute
and world peace would follow.
But also with the war chances growing daily, Jewish
Palestine as a stronghold of democracy and as the only productive
country in the Middle East, should not be destroyed. Strategically,
Palestine played a major role in the Middle East in World War II;
the victory at El Alamein would not have been won had it not been
for the Palestine hinterland with its production, its
system of private enterprise in the spirit of free competition, and
the enthusiasm of the Jewish people for real democracy.
* * *
On March 27, three Senators, Chavez of New Mexico (D),
Magnuson of Washington (D), and Chapper of Kansas (R), wrote to Secretary
Marshall: Irrespective of our views in the matter, the fact
remains that the Jewish nation exists in Palestine. This nation has
some 200,000 able bodied men and women who are mobilized to defend
their country. Unless we endeavor to establish friendly relations
and have an alliance with them, we will force them to seek protection
from Communist Russia against the forces poised to attack them.
They stressed also that Jews, as allies, are a better
choice than the Arabs.
It would be disastrous for mankind if Americas
ill-conceived policy in the Middle East should sacrifice justice to
power politics, especially power politics based on the false premise
that the Arab states are an effective military ally.
As far as the oil of the Middle East is concerned, it
is already trivial to repeat that this oil and installations for its
exportation will be of no service to the United States in case of
war, but may be of service to her potential enemy.