Nof Yam, Feb.23, 1959
Dear Dr. Velikovsky,
I am just running again through some of the book-excerpts which I made in Paris. There are quite a few with remarks: to discuss with Dr. V. I know that I wrote you from France, but I have no copies of these letters and I do not know whether you remember the things which you received during your stay in this country. Therefore, to be on the safe side, I shall copy it out:
Père de Vaux: Titres et Fonctionnaires Egyptiens a la Cour de David et de Salomon. Revue Biblique XLVIII (1939), pp. 394-405 Organization the exact parallel of that in Egypt during the XVIII Dyn.
S. Rosenblatt: A Reference to the Egyptian God Re in the Rabbinic Commetaries on the O. T. Journ. Bibl. Lit. LX (1941), pp. 183-185 Wichtig für A.i.C. I).
F. Petrie: The Making of Egypt. London, 1939 On Plate LXII (pp. 124) he compares Egyptian finds with those from Russia and the Caucasus which are ascribed to earlier periods as they are found together with mammoth bones (refers to an earlier period, 3rd millennium, but may point to some newer sources). XIIth dyn. Many portraits wrongly (in an irresponsible manner) assigned. p. 142: Hittite and Hyksos.
I. Rabinowitz: Aramaic Inscriptions of the 5th cent. B.C. from a North-Arab Shrine in Egypt. The treasure is in the Brooklyn Museum, New York. It was found in Wadi Tumilat (Biblical Goshen), wo der Planet Venus angebetet wurde (5th cent!). Journ. Near East. Studies XV (1956), pp. 1ff.
B. Bruyère: Rapport sur les Fouilles de Deir el Medineh. Many publications. Time: XVIII dyn. Many Semitic names. In FIFAO XX (1948) p. 69: from the Greek-Roman period one comes immeidately directly to the XVII-XX Dynasties (without interfereing periods!). FIFAO XX, III p. 149: Le dieu Ched. B. thinkgs that a political event preceded this introduction of a new god!.
John A. Wilson: The Burden of Egypt. Chicago 1951. Very good chapter on Echnathon!
Raymond Weill: XIIe Dynastie, Royauté de Haute-Egypte et Domination Hyksos. IFAO, T. XXVI, Le Caire, 1953.speaks about a change of the calendar between the XII and XVII dyn. (p. 157) for unknown reasons. La th0orie sothiatique est ruiné pour les périodes anciennesremains only for Greek-Roman period. Interesting details about Sethi I (p. 161). Quotes: Sethe; Sethos I und die Erneuerung der Hundesternperiode. Aeg. Z. 66 (1931) pp. 1-7)change of calendar. W. mentions a still unpublished list of Assyrian kings from Khorsabad (eventually published, in the meantime? Partly published: Weidner Archiv f. Orientforschung XIV (1944). Poebel: Journ. Near Eastern Studies I (1942), pp. 247-306, 460-492, II (1943) pp. 56-90. List of Abydos with Semitic names (p. 197).Borchardt (quoted p. 205): Ein Stammbaum memphitischer Priester. Sitzungsber. Pr. Akad. d. Wiss. XXIV (1932) (list of 60 generations of Memphite priests with occasional mention of the Pharao). From Horemheb up 11 generations to Ahmes (Weill, p. 207). There does not remain a single year for Ramses IV-XI!! (p. 209)
More highly interesting lists see pp. 219ff, 224 ff.In connection with our sea-captain it might interest you that Sham-gar is composed of two synonyms: Shema=étranger, voyageur (Weill p. 189) and the same meaning has our Hebrew/Canaanite ger. Weill wants to bring the XIIth dyn. closer to the XVIII and moves the XII down considerably, though he is less revolutionary with the XVIII, which he moves for 25 years only.
Very interesting in R. Weill: Bases, Méthodes et Résultats de la Chronologie Egyptienne, (Original: Paris, 1926) Compléments. 1928the resistance of the Egyptians to any change in their calendar, according to the Greeks (p. 47 of the compléments).
Last not least: Richard A. Parker: The Calendars of the Ancient Egypt. Chicago, 1950. He comes to the conclusion that prior to the fourth cent. B.C. there is no evidence that any other method than observation was used to begin the month. Very important quotation from H.E. Winlock: The Origin of the Ancient Egyptian Calendar Proceedings of the Amer. Philosoph. Society LXXXIII (1940) pp. 447-64) (quoted p. 39) No trace of a fixed calendar of the ancient Egyptians has been found (so Winlock). P. is against Weill, Sethe etc. p. 52 (Parker) The civil calendar...was not tied to Sothis but... to some yearly occurrence which was variable...
There has been an expedition to Sardis, in 1958, which touched Lydian strata (BASOR, Dec. 1958).
I am afraid that is all that I know about these things.
Now comes my problem, in which I should ask your Egyptologist: In case that you are right, and it was Thutmos III who sacked the Jerusalem Templeand in case that the Tenach is right and he did not touch Israel (I personally believe, that both statements are correct)the fight can never have taken place at Megiddo, Israelite fortress and far too much to the North. Rehoboam could never have used Megiddo as a foothold. I am inclined to read the name as Makeda (Joshua X, 10,16,17ff; XV,41) a fortress in Judah, which has not yet been localized. As a matter of fact, I remember how disappointed I was when I rode, by car, for the first time through Wadi Ara to Megiddo, as this Wadi is a rather broad valley which does not fit the Annals description at all! Where can I find the best translation of these Annals? I then shall start to find Makeda!
O, I got my first acknowledgement by an Israeli expert! Braslavsky, who has no University reputation to risk, wrote me a most appreciating letterit was nice.
Most sincerely yours,
Eva Danelius